With smiles on their faces, dressed in festive clothes and with balloons in their hands, over 1,000 children danced, sang, drew and ate candies, celebrating thus the International Children’s Day. Children and adults amused themselves on the stages set up in front of the National Center for Children and Youth “Artico”, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“There are eight amusement stages. Each of them focuses on a special activity – from asphalt drawing, martial arts involving kids, work with modeling clay to photo workshops and karaoke. During several hours, the activities involved all those that came to celebrate the International Children’s Day,” said Aurelia Hancu, director of “Artico” Center.
The event started with a parade, followed by a theater performance and creation workshops.
“It is a special day that we can offer to all the children. It is good that most of the children from Chisinau came to this holiday. But we must take into account that the children that live in villages, the disabled and poor children must also enjoy this wonderful day,” said the UNICEF Representative in Moldova Alexandra Yuster.
The children were offered free ice-cream, juices and candies. But to get them, they had to queue up. Those attending took part in contests, while the winners received Artico vouchers that could be exchanged for sweets.
There was held a special fair of souvenirs from clay and pictures, while the “small cooks” offer delicious food specially prepared for the event.
The activities were organized by “Artico” in partnership with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child, the Ministry of Education and Youth, UNICEF and EveryChild Moldova.