Children build the future

About 140 persons including parent assistants, social workers and children from residential institutions and biological families from five Moldovan settlements are participating in a summer school titled “You Build the Future” at Andries camp in Ivancea village of Orhei district during August 18-3. The approximately 70 children are aged between 4 and 18, Info-Prim Neo reports. The summer school was organized from the funds collected during summer as part of the campaign “You Build the Future”, carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child in cooperation with the public organization EveryChild Moldova. Daniela Leahu, representative of EveryChild Moldova, has told Info-Prim Neo that the summer school takes place according to plan. “The adults and adolescents are engaged in workshops on different topics, while the smaller children are watched over by seven supervisors,” the quoted source said. The summer school aims to rehabilitate and socialize the children and to insure an experience exchange between those that came from Cahul, Orhei, Soroca, Ungheni, and Chisinau. The organizers also plan to improve parent assistants’ skill in looking after children in residential institutions. The ministry and EveryChild Moldova have cooperated for a long time. An intermediary social service between institutions and families called Professional Parent Assistance was launched in Chisinau in 2000. The service is aimed at preventing the institutionalization of children and at reintegrating the children in children’s homes and boarding schools into the biological families. A number of projects have been launched in Moldova afterward.

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