Childbirth allowance to be raised next year
The draft Law on State Social Insurance Fund for 2008 provides an increase in the lump-sum childbirth allowance of 200 lei for the first child and of 500 lei for the second child.
Currently the childbirth allowance constitutes 1,000 lei, by 200 lei more than last year.
The draft law also provides that uninsured parents or guardians raising children younger than 1.5 years will benefit from a 50% rise in the monthly child-support allowance. Uninsured parents are now receiving 100 lei each month until the child turns one and a half years old.
The monthly child-support allowance paid to the insured now constitutes 20 percent of the average monthly salary, calculated for the last seven months of work, but no less than 100 lei. This allowance is paid by the government until the child turns 3 years old.
Allowances are payable upon a request submitted 12 months prior to the birth, and registered with the Registry Office.