Child pornography over Internet expands in Moldova

The Internet child pornography industry has developed in Moldova. Fifteen cases of child pornography were identified in the last nine months of this year, IPN reports.

After the 15 cases were solved, there were seized magnetic disks containing images of children aged between 11 and 14 who were subject to sexual abuse. Among the abusers were the manager of a Chisinau shopping center, a priest, a magazine producer, a student and two company directors. The data were made public in a regional news conference on trafficking in human beings in Southeastern Europe that is taking place in Chisinau.

Veaceslav Soltan, of the Prosecutor General’s Office, said the main sexual fairs involving children are staged on social networking sites, especially closed sites. The police officers have to become infiltrated and to thoroughly examine all the discussions between the possible abuser and the victim. The online games that seem inoffensive at first sight pose a huge danger to children. It was established that through them the children are lured by traffickers.

Veaceslav Soltan also said that child pornography is facilitated by the development of the information systems and develops because the Internet doesn’t have borders and access to it is not regulated.

The Prosecutor General’s Office set up a hotline that can be used to report virtual crimes - 022-22-34-53. The International Center “La Strada” created the portal that informs about cases of sexual abuse, with the victims remaining anonymous.


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