CES allots 26 million lei to Balti and seven villages of Cantemir district

About 26 million lei will be allocated from the Government's intervention fund for alleviating the consequences of landslides in Balti municipality and of the torrential rain in Cantemir district. A provision in this regard was approved by the Commission for Emergency Situations (CES), IPN reports.

The Balti Municipal Council is allocated almost 4 million lei. The municipality experienced landslides in September and a state of emergency was even declared. At that time, the landslides occurred on Sfântul Nicolae St. These were caused by the repair works on the water supply system carried out by the municipal enterprise "Regia Apa-Canal Bălți".

In the case of Cantemir district, the money is allocated to seven localities. These are the villages of Capaclia, Cania, Cârpești, Cociulia, Plopi, Stoianovca, and Tartaul. The funds will go to repair and restore footbridges and public roads damaged by the torrential rain.

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