Central banks opens its doors to those willing to learn about its work

Those who want to know more about the work of the National Bank of Moldova can visit the institution during the Open Doors Days on June 6 and 7, which are staged on the occasion of the celebration of the 26th anniversary of the bank’s foundation. Head of the bank’s communication service Elena Moldoveanu has told IPN that the number of persons who registered beforehand for visiting the central bank is much higher than it was expected. Therefore, it was decided that similar events will be organized in July.

Those who will visit the National Bank of Moldova on June 6 and 7 will see how the employees work and the exhibitions hall and will take part in presentations on the financial-banking subject. They will also be able to discuss with the bank’s administration. Among the planned activities is a test to identify false banknotes.

Elena Moldoveanu noted the necessity of the Open Doors Days derives from the people’s increased interest in the work of public institutions. On June 6 and 7, the National Bank will be visited by more than 200 persons. Access will be possible on the presentation of identity cards, based on early registration lists. The visits were set to start at 10am, 11pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm.

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