Center for Politics and Reforms seeks explanations from Igor Dodon

The Center for Politics and Reforms requests President Igor Dodon to provide information about his possible involvement in the privatization of Codru Hotel in 2008, when he was minister of economy, IPN reports.

The Center says that Igor Dodon, when being asked about his powers in this process for several times, answered that together with former Prime Minister Zinaida Grechenayi, he sent a top-secret letter to ex-President Vladimir Voronin.

According to the Center, by classifying the letter Igor Dodon confirmed the suspicions about his involvement in the privatization process. The information about the violation of the legislation by persons with responsible posts cannot be classed as state secret. It is banned classifying information if this can have negative effects on the implementation of state and sector social-economic and cultural development programs or can affect competition between business entities.

Based on the law on access to information, the Center for Politics and Reforms requests President Igor Dodon to provide information about the instructions he gave as minister of economy to the chief of the Public Property Agency, which is responsible for the administration of state property, as well as information about the notified institutions and the requests whereby Igor Dodon expressed his suspicions about the process of privatizing the hotel.

The Center also asks Igor Dodon to order, as President of the Republic of Moldova, to publish the letter sent by him and the then Premier Zinaida Grechenyi to the then President Vladimir Voronin, to explain why this letter was secret and to provide the answer given by Voronin, and to also order declassifying this information if it was also classified.

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