Census results will be made public next March

Some 58% of the questionnaires completed during the 2014 population and dwelling census have been processed. The process is to be finished in December and the data will be published towards the end of March, IPN reports, quoting the administration of the National Bureau of Statistics.

The Bureau’s director general Vitalie Valcov told a news conference that the data processing will be followed by a new stage to analyze and calculate the indicators. Afterward, the final results will be disseminated.

According to Vitalie Valcov, about 200 operators are involved in the process and these work in two shifts. A number of 100 laptops were borrowed from the Central Election Commission. These were secured and do not have access to the Internet and possibilities of copying or transmitting information somehow. To ensure the confidentiality of data, the computer room will be under video surveillance.

The director of the National Bureau of Statistics denied the rumors that the data processing is intentionally delayed. This process lasts for so long because of lack of financing. Now that the necessary financial resources were identified, effort is being made to complete the process according to plan.

Vitalie Valcov also said that the next census will most probably be taken in 2021, but the preparations will start in 2017 already.

  • vitalie valcov despre procesarea si publicarea datelor.mp3
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