CEC will put emphasis on communication with voters, Iurie Ciocan

The Central Election Commission (CEC) will lay special emphasis on the communication with the voters, the Commission’s present Iurie Ciocan said in the program “Public eye” on Noroc TV channel, IPN reports.

According to Iurie Ciocan, such a decision was taken based on the experience of the April 7, 2009 events. “The then events made us change the communication strategy. I think the serious shortage of communication between the CEC and the voters was a cause for those events,” stated Ciocan, referring to the protests staged after the April 5 elections, which degenerated into violence with the destruction of the Parliament Building and the Presidential Office.  

As to the novelties of the current election campaign, the CEC president said the voters will be registered electronically. “The introduction of the electronic register will eliminate doubts about multiple voting or the use of names of dead people to vote. Echo person has a personal identification code that does not repeat. If somebody tries to vote at several polling places, they will be identified immediately,” stated Iurie Ciocan.

Unlike the previous election campaigns, in the current campaign the election runners will have to present more detailed information about the costs incurred. “The candidates will have to also provide data about the fuel used for trips, the electoral ads and concerts. NGOs earlier carried out a study and determined that a party spends between €1 million and €5 million in an election campaign, but the reports presented to the CEC show figures of around half a million lei,” said the president of the CEC.

Currently, the CEC is examining the 1,600 candidates written on the lists of candidates submitted by parties. “We are to determine if the candidates didn’t break the law and do not face bans on holding public posts imposed by the court, and if they weren’t declared without discernment,” stated Iurie Ciocan.

A number of 22,500 people will be involved in the organization and holding of this year’s elections.

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