The Central Electoral Commission will conduct a new audit to assess the accessibility of polling stations. More than 1,200 public buildings that usually accommodate polling places will be evaluated.
During an event to launch the campaign “Equal access for all in polling stations”, CEC president Angela Caraman noted that the accessibility of polling stations is a sensitive issue for at least 180,000 voters in Moldova. Previous evaluation showed that more than 60% of the stations are inaccessible, despite being located in public buildings which, by law, should comply with accessibility standards.
“Integration of effective inclusion mechanisms is one of the main objectives of the CEC, as set out in the Strategic Plan for 2020-2023,” said Angela Caraman. A 2019 survey of one-third of polling stations found that only 6 out of 600 polling stations were fully accessible.
The campaign is supported by the UK Embassy. Ambassador Steven Fisher stated that the United Kingdom encourages full participation of the citizens of Moldova in democratic processes. “Equal access for all in polling stations means access for all to schools, culture halls, town halls, health centers and so on. And not only for people with disabilities, but also for the elderly, for parents with children in prams, patients, and students. Inclusion and equal access for all are fundamental to a democracy,” he said.
“The basic principles in creating a government for, and by the people include not only free and fair elections, but also accessibility and inclusion for all citizens of Moldova, including those who, due to physical disabilities, cannot access polling stations” said Victoria Gellis, director of USAID Moldova’s Democracy and Good Governance Program, which also supports the campaign.
The audit is being conducted from January to March 2022 and includes 1206 public buildings in at least ten districts. Thematic training will also be held. Local administration teams will learn how to properly build an access ramp, what the costs are and what an accessible building means.
The NGO Alianța Infonet and the disability organization Motivație are partners in the campaign.