CEC supports draft decision to test alterative voting methods

The Central Election Commission (CEC) approved the draft decision to authorize the testing of the alternative method – postal voting and voting during several days in elections, IPN reports.

The bill authors, a group of MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”, said the initiative is the result of a broad process of analyzing the pressing necessity of adjusting the electoral legislation on the introduction of alternative voting so as to create optimal conditions for ensuring the right to vote of all the  citizens of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of the number and place of stay.

By testing alternative voting methods, the CEC and other competent authorities should identify appropriate distance voting solutions, adjusting voting to the international and European democratic standards.

After the efficiency of the alternative voting methods is determined, these can be tested also at other types of elections. Based on the testing of the alternative voting system, the CEC will formulate proposals for improving the electoral legislation.

A week ago, one of the decision authors, MP Igor Munteanu, in the meeting of the Parliament’s commission for appointments and immunities, said the draft was obstructed for the reason that it implies too high costs. The commission’s negative vote will affect the interests of the citizens who will be condemned to wait for hours in a row to vote on the election day.

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