CEC dealt with procedural part of referendum only so as not to be accused of being biased, Iurie Ciocan
The Central Election Commission (CEC) was busy with activities involving the urgent amendment of the electoral legislation so that it did not have time to adequately inform the population about the September 5 constitutional referendum. Opinions on the issue were expressed during a press club meeting centering on the failed plebiscite. CEC secretary Iurie Ciocan attended the meeting, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Corneliu Cirimpei, of Transparency International, said that besides informing the people about the
referendum, the Central Election Commission was also to urge the population to vote.
Iurie Ciocan said the central electoral authority played a technical role in the organization and holding of the referendum so as not be accused of being biased.
“The CEC decided it is better for it to deal with the procedural part in the referendum campaign. We could have been accused of being partial. Thus, we let the politicians to campaign for or against the referendum,” said the CEC secretary.
Jurist Constantin Lazari said the voter turnout would have been higher if the political parties engaged in the campaign had sent their arguments for and against amending the procedure for electing the head of state to every person so that they could make a better choice.
On September 5, the voters were asked if they were in favor or against amending the Constitution so that it allowed for direct election of the President. With a turnout of 30.29%, the referendum was not validated as the threshold is 1/3 of the voters. The same question can be put to a referendum again in two years.