Case not yet closed one year after hunting incident in Domneasca Forest

On December 23, it is one year of the hunting incident in the natural reserve “Padurea Domneasca”, which involved high-ranking officials and where a man was wounded fatally. The Falesti Court is still trying the criminal case started against the ex-vice president of the Chisinau Court of Appeals Gheorghe Cretu for accidental killing. Prosecutor Alex Caraman has told IPN that only the evidence of the prosecution has been examined so far. Twelve hearings have been scheduled for January and February, where there will be examined the evidence of the defense.

The defendants in this case also include former director of the Forestry Agency “Moldsilva” Ion Lupu and the former guard and protection engineer of the natural reserve “Padurea Domneasca”. At the prosecutors’ request, the two were suspended from posts.

Besides accidental killing, there are another five counts in this case, including illegal hunting, falsification of public documents, abuse of power, persuasion to make untrue statements and deliberate giving of false testimony by the witness.

A man aged 35 from Chisinau was mortally wounded from a gun during hunting in the Domneasca Forest last December. The hunting involved Valeriu Zubco, who was prosecutor general at that time. The case became known on January 6. Disclosures were made by the leader of the People’s Movement “Antimafie” Sergiu Mocanu in a news conference.

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