Career guidance platform for students

The students aged between 11 and 18 can receive useful advice on the career they choose by accessing the platform that was launched by UNDP’s Social Innovation Lab MiLab and the Electronic Governance Center on August 3. The platform will be supported and developed further by the Center for Children and Youth “Artico”, IPN reports.

Cristina Lisii, services designer and specialist in partnerships at MiLab, presented the platform in a news conference, saying that the students can find there more tests about the profession that suits them and an explanatory dictionary of professions. On the same platform, there are about 30 video spots where young specialists speak about their professions, offering advice. The young people are also taught how to compile an attractive CV and can find more answers to questions about the choice of career.

Cristina Lisii also said that the portal appeared after a team of young graduates decided voluntarily to create a mechanism to help the students easier decide what they will do after graduation. The information on the portal is available in two languages for grater accessibility. The designing and building of the platform cost about €3,000.

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova Dafina Gherceva said the jobless rate among young people is 2.5 times higher than among the adult population. One of the causes is the lack of professional guidance that would help the young people understand what professions are more popular.

  • cristina lisii despre platforma.mp3
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