The Parliament’s commission on economy, budget and finance staged interviews with the candidates for the post of director of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER). The ten candidates expressed their views on the Agency’s activity and proposed solutions for improving it, IPN reports.
After the interviews, the commission’s head Stefan Creanga said that all the candidates had enough time to state and explain their views as regards the management of the NAER. “Most of the candidates spoke about the problems faced by the Agency and proposed solutions. Some of them distinguished themselves by their managerial and professional skills,” he stated.
One of the candidates Vasile Daud said he worked in the area regulated by the NAER and decided to try to contribute to the development of the system as an ordinary citizen. He said he was put questions about the energy sector and answered in accordance with his knowledge.
Tudor Copaci refused to comment on the interview, saying he does not want to influence the members of the Parliament’s commission through the mass media.
Sergiu Ungureanu stated that he was put questions from different areas. “I decided to apply because I think I can contribute to the improvement of the situation in the energy sector, which is a very important one. We greatly depend on foreign sources of energy and I thus formulated a series of ideas that I would like to put into practice to stimulate energy efficiency and improve the situation in the country, in different sectors,” he said.
According to Victor Parlicov, the Agency’s Administration Board must decide the Agency’s budget. It is abnormal for Parliament to adopt the budget in undisciplined way. Another aspect mentioned by Victor Parlicov was the way in which the NAER directors are named, noting this process should be more transparent, open, public and more credible and professional.
Anatolie Cainareanu said all the regulations and the legislation on the energy sector should be clear for all the people. “The Agency should focus on consumer protection, while the consumers should know their rights and obligations,” he stated.
Dorin Dusceac said there are a series of deficiencies in the way the Agency works now. One of them is the method of selecting candidates for the post of director. “There are five NAER directors and it is not right to choose one of the directors at a contest, while the others to be named by Parliament based on criteria that are not at all clear,” he stated.
The final results of the contest will be made public at 10am on February 15. Later the commission will make an approach to the Speaker of Parliament, who will present the selected candidate to the legislature for consideration.