Candidate proposed for Prime Minister divides camps in Parliament

Even if they condor her the party’s best candidate for Prime Minister, the MPs of the Party of Action and Solidarity will not vote for Natalia Gavrilița in Parliament as they want to trigger snap parliamentary elections. On the other side, the MPs of the Democratic Party, “For Moldova” Platform and Pro Moldova Party said the snap elections will not change the situation and consider the country now needs a professional government that would manage the pandemic and economic crisis, IPN reports.

“The main goal of our group and of the President is to trigger snap parliamentary elections. Missis Gavrilița is a good specialist and we would be honored to have a Government led by Natalia Gavrilița, but this should be supported by a parliamentary majority. We cannot vote in a Government as the problem resides not in the Government, but in Parliament,” PAS MP Virgiliu Pâslariuc stated in the talk show “Natalia Morari’s Politics” on TV8 channel.

The idea of snap elections is not yet supported by the MPs of the Democratic Party and the Pro Moldova Party, who want an anti-crisis government.

“What is the real perspective of having a better Parliament that would be more receptive to economic reforms after the snap elections and with which Missis Sandu will come to terms? The snap elections will not be held tomorrow or in a week. They will take place in four-five months. But what will happen meanwhile?” asked the president of honor of the PDM Dumitru Diacov.

“Among the real preoccupations of the citizens are now poverty, the economic crisis, the pandemic, the vaccination campaign. We must have a Government consisting of professionals, with a real, serious and ambition government program,” said Pro Moldova MP Vlad Cebotari.

The MPs of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” believe the Socialists would vote for the Prime Minister designate Natalia Gavrilița so as to hamper the triggering of snap elections.

“I’m a little surprised at the candidate. Sincerely speaking, I expected it would be a nonparty candidate. It is problematic for the mates from the PAS not to vote or not to come to the sitting when their party member comes to Parliament to present the government program. It is an additional argument for the Socialists to vote for this candidate. They would say the candidate served as minister of finance and has experience,” said PPPDA MP Alexandru Slusari.

The MPs of “For Moldova” said they will announce their decision as to the voting of the candidate after they analyze her government program and the governmental team.

“We don’t know if Missis Gavrilița takes this role seriously or accepted to be a warhorse given that President Sandu says she wants snap elections. We would like to see the government program, to put her questions and will later decide how to act. We will not support the agenda of the PAS that does not even hide the fact that the elections are a political whim for them,” said “For Moldova” MP Sergiu Sîrbu.

In a press release, the PSRM noted that they will decide whether to vote for the candidate designated to the post of Prime Minister or not in the meeting of the party’s National Council at the end of this week.

On January 27, President Maia Sandu designated ex-minister of finance in the Sandu Government Natalia Gavrilița as Prime Minister. Under the law, after the candidate for premiership is designated, this has 15 days to constitute the governmental team and formulate the government program. Later, the candidate asks for the Parliament’s vote of confidence.

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