Candidacy of Iurie Leanca for premiership is practically inevitable, opinion

The Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) will convene its Central Standing Bureau to choose the candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Liberal-Democratic MP Tudor Deliu has told IPN that the discussions on the candidate will start after the head of state opens consultations with the parliamentary factions. Political analyst Viorel Cibotaru considers that the fielding of interim Prime Minister Iurie Leanca is practically inevitable.

Tudor Deliu also said that the meeting of the PLDM’s Standing Bureau hasn’t been yet scheduled. The candidate will be selected as a result of discussions. Anyone will be able to make proposals.

Contacted by IPN Viorel Cibotaru said that the designation of Iurie Leanca as Premier is practically inevitable. “Iurie Leanca is the party’s first deputy chairman and second emblematic representative. He is hierarchically superior to other members and this is a significant argument. But the most important is that he was supported by several sides when he was named acting Prime Minister. He is a professional approved by the other components of the former ruling alliance,” sad the analyst.

Referring to the PLDM leader Vlad Filat’s statements that the formation of a new parliamentary majority will be negotiated only with the Democrats, the Liberals led by Ion Hadarca and the unaffiliated MPs, Viorel Cibotaru said that the Lib-Dems must be convinced that there will be a majority that will support the Government after investiture, not only when it is installed. “The PLDM must have guarantees of support for the future Government. Otherwise, this exercise is not worth the effort,” he stated.

After a meeting of the National Political Council of the PLDM, Vlad Filat told the journalists that a new candidate will be put forward for premiership. He will not apply for this post anymore, at least during the mandate of the current legislature.

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