Calendar with and about Grigore Vieru

A calendar dedicated to departed Grigore Vieru was launched on Friday, February 13, in Chisinau, on the eve of the day when the poet would have celebrated the 74th anniversary, Info-Prim Neo reports. The wall calendar contains photographs of Grigore Vieru, signed by photographer Mihai Potarniche, and poems by the poet. The photos represent all the stages of the poet’s life – beginning with his childhood spent in Pererata and finishing with the last road of the tragic days of January, 2009. The calendar has appeared in two formats: pocket-size and panel. “This first issue after Grigore Vieru’s death is symbolic. We are proposed, metaphorically, to start measuring the time according to Greenwich and Grigore Vieru. Thus, we begin Grigore Vieru’s post-life,” writer Arcadie Suceveanu, the deputy president of the Writers Union, stated at the presentation of the calendar. According to Arcadie Suceveanu, this calendar dedicated to “the Great departed,” with and about Grigore Vieru, is “a fragment of memory and literary history.” Photographer Mihai Potarniche confessed that he felt much sadness and sorrow when he made this calendar. The artist says he understood he lost much chance to take photos of Grigore Vieru, especially because these photos have a documentary value – they “will carry the poet’s front over years.” The departed poet’s son, Calin Vieru, announced that this calendar would be distributed to all Moldovan schools and will get to each class of Romanian Language and Literature. The calendar was issued with the financial support of the Liberal Democratic Party from Moldova, Calin Vieru is a member of.

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