Cabinet discusses situation in financial-banking sector

Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici is for supporting the farmers by providing loans in advantageous conditions to them and by diversifying the financial instruments intended for them on the financial-banking market. The subject was discussed in a meeting of the Premier with representatives of Moldovan banks, IPN reports.

Chiril Gaburici underlined the importance of an open dialogue between the Government and the banking community, noting the role of the financial-banking institutions in ensuring the sustainable development of the national economy. “We must have efficient communication and coordinate our actions so as to ensure the conditions needed for developing the economy and for attracting investments,” he stated.

The representatives of the banking community expressed readiness to efficiently cooperate with the new Government, agreeing to regularly hold joint meetings so as to set priorities and solve the problems in the people’s interests. Among other topics discussed were the lending to economic entities from different areas of activity, the work of commercial banks and the development trends in the national economy.

The meeting involved the minister of finance, the National Bank governor, the president of the Banks Association of Moldova and managers of banks working in Moldova.

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