Bush fire in Prut Meadow, 10 hectares of reeds affected

A vegetation fire broke out in the Prut Meadow in Pașcani village of Cahul district. The flames destroyed 10 hectares of reeds. The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations said that there are no victims, IPN reports.

Two crews of rescuers and firefighters travelled to the scene. They managed to localize and extinguish the fire in several hours.

The Inspectorate urges the citizens to avoid burning dry vegetation, reeds and household waste. Firefighters warn that the burning of vegetation can lead to the outbreak of large fires, with devastating consequences for the environment.

The State Weather Service for Tuesday announced high winds with gusts of 15 - 20 m/s. Thus, rescuers warn that when there is wind and the temperatures are positive, the outbreaks can expand quickly. The people are urged to call the 112 Emergency Service.

Under the Contravention Code, the burning of crop residues in the open field is punishable by a fine of 10,000 to 15,000 lei or by unpaid community service of 40 to 60 hours.

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