Bundestag scholarships for Moldovans

The German Bundestag along with universities from Berlin, invite graduates from Moldova to apply for the “International Parliamentary Scholarship”. The program aims at initiating the youth into the German parliamentary system. The Bundestag gives them the opportunity to work in a German MP’s bureau, in order to gain practical experience in parliamentary activity. The participants will receive a €450 monthly allowance and free housing in Berlin. Carsten Wilms, deputy head of the German Embassy to Moldova, stated in a press conference that the program reached Moldova in 2008 and, since then three youths go to Germany every year. The selection interview takes place in September, and is done by a committee made up of Bundestag representatives and university faculty from Berlin. “Aside from the program’s application requirements the youth must have a great passion for parliamentary systems and politics”, said Carsten Wilms. Two ex-scholars were present at the conference. Natalia Bantus, who won the scholarship in 2010, said that the program is a possibility to collaborate, and to learn more about the German team spirit. “Future scholars must understand that over there they are Moldova’s ambassadors”, said Natalia Bantus. Another scholarship winner, Andrei Zapanovici, who currently works at the German Society for International Cooperation, says that the program teaches Moldovan youth about the correct functioning of the parliamentary system and offers an international exchange of opinions. What matters is that they return home and apply what they have learned. Applications may be submitted to the German Embassy in Chisinau, till July 31. Eligible for applying are youth born after 28.02.1983.

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