Broadcasting regulator launches contest to fill vacancies on Supervisory Board

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) opened the contest to fill two vacant posts of member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova”. Applications can be filed to the BCC by April 14 inclusive, IPN reports.

The contest is open to persons who are citizens of Moldova with higher education in culture, arts, cinematography, law, journalism, financial management and management of commercial organizations, public relations, international relations, the academic sector, the mass media and engineering. The candidates must also know the official language and must not have a criminal record.

The post of member of the Supervisory Board is incompatible with the status of lawmaker, member of the Government and member of the BCC. The candidates must not be employees of the National Public Broadcaster and a party member and must have a length of service of at least five years in the area from which they come.

The applicants must submit an application, the CV, the records of punishment and a photo 3x4 to the head office of the Broadcasting Coordination Council that is situated at 46 Vlaicu Parcalab St.

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