Broadcasting regulator chooses two candidates for Supervisory Board member

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) on July 20 selected two candidates for the post of member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova”. These are Marina Turcan and Arhip Cibotaru, IPN reports.

The contest, which involved 14 applicants, was held to choose three candidates for two vacancies. The two candidates selected today, together with Vitalie Tabunshchik who was chosen earlier, are to be examined by Parliament. But there should be four candidates out of whom Parliament will choose two. BCC chairman Dinu Ciocan said that the Council will hold a new contest to choose one more candidate given that only two candidates garnered the necessary number of votes in today’s contest.

The BCC members said that unlike the previous contest, when nobody polled a sufficient number of votes, the candidates had a better performance. These presented innovative ideas and much better development plans for the company.

The Supervisory Board became nonfunctional at the end of 2013, when the terms in office of six of the nine members expired. At the beginning of this March, Parliament confirmed four candidates to the post of Supervisory Board member, namely Vitalie Tapes, Stela Nistor, Ludmila Vasilache, and Lilia Gurez. The Board thus started to work. Two of the posts are yet vacant.

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