Broadcasting regulator approves statement on media ownership transparency

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) agreed on the model of the statement on the ensuring of transparency of media ownership. Thus, the broadcasters will be obliged to present the given statement to the Council by November 10, IPN reports.

The draft statement on the ensuring of transparency of media ownership was examined in the July 10 meeting of the BCC and was proposed for public debates. The Council asked a number of media outlets and NGOs to provide suggestions on the draft statement, but nobody submitted proposals.

The statement was posted on the Council’s website and will take effect when it is published in the Official Gazette. In October, the BCC will send letters to the broadcasters by which it will inform them about the necessity of filing this statement to the Council and of publishing it on their websites.

The statement requires making public the names of all the owners of the media outlet, up to the final natural person. If the owner of the media outlet is changed, the BCC must be notified of this within 10 days. 

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