Broadcasters will be obliged to present contracts for purchased products

From next year, all the broadcasters will be obliged to present contracts for the bought audiovisual products. A decision to this effect was taken in the December 29 meeting of the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC), IPN reports.

“As the problem of the respect of copyright and related rights by broadcasters is a complex one and the Council received a number of relevant complains, the broadcasters from next year will be asked to present the contracts for the purchased audiovisual products,” it is said in a communique of the Council.

In the meeting, the BCC members expressed their concern about the fact that many TV channels broadcast films or other products without having a contract. Thus, the channels “MBC”, “N4” and “TVC 21” were obliged to present legal proofs (contacts, agreements) for the acquired audiovisual products within three days of the publication of the Council’s decision.

The BCC also decided to withdraw the retransmission authorization issued to “FOCUS-SAT” SRL, which founded the TV studio “FOCUS-SAT” in Chisinau. The studio was earlier penalized and banned from providing electronic communications services for a period of six month by the national ICT regulator. Afterward, the BCC suspended the retransmission authorization until June. Given that the studio hasn’t yet resumed work and none of the persons responsible for the company could be found, the Council withdrew the authorization.

At the end of the meeting, BCC member Dragos Vicol expressed his concern about the way in which the TV channels covered the case of food poisoning at a Chisinau restaurant, which involved students and teachers of the Chisinau Lyceum “Dante Alighieri”. Thus, all the TV channels avoided to reveal the name of the restaurant, but made yet public the name of the school where the students study.

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