Boy who suffered insecticide poisoning dies in hospital

The eight-year-old boy who got poisoned by an insecticide died at the Mother and Child Institute in the evening of October 29. He is the third victim of the positing suffered by the members of a family from Flocoasa village of Cantemir district. The boy’s cousins, two sisters aged four and eleven, died at the district hospital in the morning of October 29.

Press officer of the Mother and Child Institute Maxim Cazacu said the boy was in a critical state and despite doctors’ efforts to save him, he died in the surgical intensive care section.

Contacted by IPN, Sergiu Obreja, mayor of Ciobalaccia commune of which Flocoasa village forms part, said the family called an ambulance in the evening of October 28 and the ambulance doctors gave them first aid. It is presumed that they refused to be taken to the hospital. An ambulance was called again next morning. The children’s grandfather said it wasn’t for the first time that he treated the wheat with the substance that allegedly caused the poisoning. Poisoning by fumes from the faulty stove is another examined version. Specialists took samples and are waiting for the test results.

The girl’s mother and the grandmother of the three children remain in the toxicological section of Saint Trinity Hospital of Chisinau. The state of the two women is stable.

The girls who died lived together with their mother and grandparents, while the boy was on a visit to his grandparents. The villagers mobilized to help the family. The local authorities are taking measures to identify financial resources to offer them assistance.

According to the preliminary version, the family inhaled insecticide vapors after the grandfather of the three children treated the wheat with insecticide, the grain being kept in the veranda close to the room were the children and the two women slept. The insecticide contains aluminum phosphate that is very toxic.

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