Boris Sprânceană: Adrian Nikifor was involved in April 7, 2009 events

Boris Sprânceană, the relative of detainee Adrian Nikifor, made revelations about the activities of Nikifor. He said Nikifor was the right-hand man of ex-Democratic leader Vlad Plahotniuc and he left the envelope with money on the table of the ex-president of Victoriabank Vicror Țurcan so as to set this up and, as a result, Vlad Plahotniuc took the bank over. Moreover, Nikifor was actively involved in the April 7, 2019 events, IPN reports.

Boris Sprânceană said controversial businessman Adrian Nikifor set the former president of Victoriabank Victor Țurcan up and this was consequently arrested for taking bribe. Later, the former leader of PDM Vlad Plahotniuc could take control over the bank owned by Țurcan.

“Nikifor was very loyal to Plahotniuc. He obeyed him and kneeled down before him. I know the case concerning Victoriabank. It was Adrian’s idea. He presented this to Plahtoniuc and Plahotniuc accepted it. It went to a rather large loan. Adrian came and left the envelope with money as bribe,” Boris Sprânceană stated in the talk show “Secrets of the Power” on JurnalTV channel.

Sprânceană noted that his relative also became involved in the April 7 events by Vlad Plahotniuc’s order. Nikifor managed the installation and supervision of sniper rifles on the buildings around the Great National Assembly Square for targeting protesters.

“Adrian’s birthday is on April 12. When we went to celebrate the event, he called us and showed to us 12-14 sniper rifles and about 15 pistols. These guns were used in the April 7 evens. They were placed on a number of buildings and were aimed at the targets, waiting for the order to shoot. The snipers were told that the Alpha Group of the Russian Federal Security Service was transported to the Airport in Mărculești and this was a reason not to open fire. I don‘t think Nikifor did this without being instructed by Plahotniuc,” stated Boris Sprânceană.

Controversial businessman Adrian Nikifor is held in Penitentiary No. 4 in Cricova. He was sentenced to 17 years in jail for murdering Dan Pârlici, the brother of the commissioner of Nisporeni.

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