Border zone permits can be requested online

The online service for issuing permits allowing access to border zones has been launched. This is the information system e-Permit that is managed by the Border Police. The citizens will be able to submit an electronic application and will no longer need to have the paper border zone permits on them. The border police will verify the existence and period of validity of these documents online, IPN reports.

“By this project, we aimed to adjust and align our working procedures to the good practices of the European Union in the field, which are based on modern technologies, on the simplification of procedures for obtaining border zone permits,” the head of the General Border Police Inspectorate Rosian Vasiloi told a news conference.

The e-Permit system can be accessed from any corner of the country, from any device connected to the Internet. It is available on the website of the Border Police or direly on

The Border Police last year issued more than 24,000 border zone permits.

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