Bonuses to salaries for young specialists who live in rented accommodations

The young specialist who work in the local public administration of Chisinau municipality and live in rented accommodations will monthly get a bonus of 1,000 lei to the salary for being able to pay rent. Also, the kindergarten employees whose salaries are lower than 1,700 lei will receive by 500 lei in bonuses. A decision to this effect was approved by the Chisinau Municipal Council on July 24, IPN reports.

Under the draft decision, the young specialists will get assistance from September 1 until December 31, concomitantly with the salary. To benefit from such aid, the applicants will have to prove that they do not own dwellings.

The Council also decided that about 600 nannies, educator assistants, cooks and other ancillary staff of kindergartens whose salaries are lower than 1,700 lei will get bonuses of 500 lei to the pays.

It should be noted that 400 posts of educator and educator assistant, over 100 jobs of cooks, almost 50 jobs of dish washing persons and about 40 jobs of medical assistants are vacant in the kindergartens of Chisinau municipality.

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