Blue customs corridor implemented at customs

Validation procedure for customs declarations is applied on the customs control blue corridor. The blue corridor is the customs control corridor that allows granting customs clearances without carrying out documentary and physical checks, then allows to direct vehicle to the second customs control line. Therefore, the statements selected on the blue corridor are automatically validated, while being subject to subsequent checks.

Customs declaration selection on the blue corridor allows economic agents to immediately dispose of their goods, which gives them a series of advantages, such as savings on stationary expenses, the reduction of the customs processing time and the diminished risk of exceeding the terms of goods delivery. At the same time, this mechanism contributes to the acceleration of the international circuit in order to facilitate the cross-border trade and allows the redirection of the institutional resources towards the second control line.

So far, based on risk analysis, the information system distributed customs declarations to three customs colors. The green corridor means no control, the yellow corridor implies documentary control, while the red corridor involves the documentary and physical control of goods. Now, the blue corridor is being implemented and its principles are similar to those of the green corridor. Customs clearance is offered, while the subsequent control is being applied by re-checking the customs declarations.

The Customs Service press release stated that the new facilities of customs procedure simplification for compliant economic agents involved in international trade are implemented in the context of the commitments made under the Association Agreement with the European Union.

According to the Customs Serice, this simplified procedure applies to economic transactions that are not associated with major fiscal risks and do not require the physical control of the goods.

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