Billboards go, concrete blocks stay

After almost a month since the removal of billboards from the Dacia boulevard, on the segment “City Gates” – Airport, the concrete bases that supported the ads are still there, in spite of Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca’s announcement that after the removal of billboards the slots will be re-sown with grass. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Botanica’s district head claims that some of the smaller concrete blocks have been removed, but some of them are still there, because the work is tedious and special equipment is needed. The district head says that the municipal enterprise “Prestari Servicii” will rent the equipment necessary to finish the task. Head of the Households and Green Spaces Association Eliferii Haruta stated that, for now, they cannot start re-sowing the lawn, because of the concrete blocks. Estimation shows that the re-sowing of one square meter of the lawn will cost about 40-50 lei. The Mayor of the capital ordered the removal of the advertisement boards that were illegally placed on the City Gates – Airport road segment by June 1. The billboards of the agents who did not follow the order, were forcibly removed by the City Hall. The Mayor stated that all the expenses of the municipality will be recovered from the billboard owners in court.

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