The MPs Friday adopted the bill on the liquidation of specialized courts of law in final reading. Thus, the Military Court, the District Economic Court and the Economic Court of Appeals will be liquidated within six months of the publication of the law in the Official Gazette, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The Liberal Party head Mihai Ghimpu said the bill should include an amendment stipulating that the presidents and vice presidents of specialized courts will receive salaries of judges, not of court president or vice president, when they are transferred to other courts. “The judges must have the salary that they have. I think the previous salary should not be preserved. Should a president of an economic court who has been invested in post three-four months ago receive the same salary during three years after the transfer? I suggest that this provision should be excluded,” said Mihai Ghimpu.
The head of the Democratic parliamentary group Dumitru Diacov said that Mihai Ghimpu’s proposal represents a wish, but the Labor Code says the law should be observed. Mihai Ghimpu replied that nowhere is written that the previous salary should be preserved. “Why don’t they pay me the salary that I had as acting head of state?” he asked.
Valeriu Strelet, leader of the Liberal-Democratic group, said the Lib-Dems back Mihai Ghimpu’s proposal. Thus, the proposal was put to the vote and approved.
The final bill voting procedure also aroused debates. Valeriu Strelet said the bill should be voted nominally, while Mihai Ghimpu said the Liberal Party needs a break in this case. “They want to show who is more patriotic. They say the liquidation of the specialized courts means reform. This is not right. Reform is when the court works in accordance with the law, not on the basis of bribes,” said Mihai Ghimpu. After a series of replies, Valeriu Strelet said the Liberal-Democratic group decided to withdraw the proposal concerning nominal voting.
In the end, the bill was passed by a unanimous vote. Thus, the civil or penal cases that started to be examined by economic courts will be dealt with by them within six months of the coming into force of the given law. If no decision is passed within six months, the cases will be sent to the competent courts within 10 days. Six months after the coming into force of the law, the Economic Court of Appeals, the Military Court and the District Economic Court will stop work. The property of the Economic Court of Appeals and the District Economic Court will be transferred to the Chisinau Court of Appeals, while of the Military Court – to the Ministry of Defense. The Supreme Council of Magistrates, in concert with the Ministry of Justice, will propose how to distribute the vacated posts of judges.