Bilingual variant of poem “The Gipsies” by Alexandr Pushkin launched in Chisinau

The Foundation “Pushkinskoe Nasledie” (“Pushkin’s Inheritance”) printed in Chisinau a bilingual variant of the poem “The Gipsies” written by Alexandr Pushkin. The volume contains the poem in the Russian language and its translation into Romanian made by writer and translator Iurie Barjanschi 60 years ago. In a news conference at IPN, representatives of the Foundation said the book was issued on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Pushkin museum-house in Chisinau.

The book’s editor, poet and publicist Boris Marian said there were many translations in Romanian of the poem “The Gipsies” in time, but namely Iurie Barjanschi’s translation made 60 years ago preserves best the writing style of Alexandr Pushkin.

“The translation is a successful one. The poem is very important for the Russian and Moldovan literature and for the work of translator,” said the editor.

Igor Caldar, one of the Foundation’s representatives, who also represents the National Movement “Statehood”, said the book can be now found only at the Pushkin museum-house in Chisinau. But it will be soon multiplied and will become available in schools and libraries.

Victor Cushnerenco, specialist in the biography of Alexandr Pushkin, said they chose to edit namely this poem because it was written in Bessarabia about 200 years ago, after the poet met with Gipsies in the village Dolna of the current district Straseni.

Victor Cushnerenco noted that even if it’s hard to do it, Alexandr Pushkin’s works are translated all over Europe. “Even the words in Pushkin’s works can be translated with difficulty because they are closely related to the context”,” he stated. He added that while he stayed in Bessarabia, Alexandr Pushkin wrote over 60 works. Here he also started to write the novel in verses “Yevgheny Oneghin”.

  • boris marian despre lucrare.mp3
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