Beware of siren

The traffic police carry out the operation “Flasher” to analyze the behavior of the drivers when they meet units of transport with flashers and sirens. Tudor Capatana, of the Traffic Police Department's Public Relations Service, has told Info-Prim Neo that such devices can be used by the police, firefighters, ambulance and special escorts. The vehicles of these services are given way when they have the flashers and sirens on. The red light of the flasher obliges the traffic participants to stop the car by the roadside. The blue light requires giving way, while the yellow light announces the approaching of large-size vehicles or cars accompanying such vehicles. The laws allows such vehicles to pass at red traffic lights, but says the drivers of such cars must be careful at intersections. The divers who do not give way to vehicles with the siren and flasher on are liable to fines of 500 to 600 lei and four penalty points. The operation will continue by February 28.

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