Believing that struggle for independence is over is a mistake, Premier

“We became independent 24 years ago. This was a great accomplishment and this independence belongs to all the citizens of Moldova, regardless of their ethnicity. Believing that the struggle for independence is over is a mistake. We will have real independence when the state institutions are functional and powerful, when the country’s economy generates the feeling of safety and well-being, when justice gives no reason to doubt the preeminence of the law, while the armed forces are able to guarantee the state’s defense capacity,” Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet said during a visit to the Faculty of History and Philology of the State University of Moldova, IPN reports.

“We must understand that it is impossible to develop the country without critically assessing the previous stage covered on a regular basis. The index of a healthy state is the ability to recognize the existing problems and to avoid their reappearance in the future,” stated the Premier. Valeriu Strelet promised that together with the governmental team and in cooperation with the ruling alliance, they will launch a multidimensional reform of the public administration without which the state apparatus could experience an irreversible collapse.

The official added that the country’s European integration is and will remain the key strategic objective of the Government. The implementation of the Association Agreement is another priority of the Cabinet.

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