“Beauties of Nature” at National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History

Craftswoman Galina Copteva mounted her personal exhibition titled “Beauties of Nature” at the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History. “I tried to revive a forgotten art, of the poplar seed tufts. The works exhibited here represent different styles. They are made from flowers and poplar seed tufts, especially the ikons, as well as feathers. They express my inner self,” the author said at the opening, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. Galina Copteva said the works are not for sale, but they cost minimum 100 lei “Galina Copteva's works are special and create good mood. It is a huge work to collect poplar seed tufts that many people detest and create a new art with their help. It is also hard to collect petals and do such wonderful works,” said Svetlana Vazinscaia, a member of the Writers Association of Ukraine. “I did not know an exhibition was opened at the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History. I came to visit the museum, but when I saw these fine decorative works I did not hesitate to know their author,” said Zinaida Ciochina. Born in1950, Galina Copteva went into decorative arts in 1991. In 2000, she became people's craftswoman. She developed the technique of feathers, which later became known as "plum'art". The exhibition will be open for a month.

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