BCC provides details about election campaign

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) has announced that it modified its website in order to increase the transparency level and make it more accessible, IPN reports.

In a news conference held to provide details about the election campaign, BCC chairman Dinu Ciocan said the new version of the website contains a number of sections. The new sections are: “Election Campaign 2014”; “Protection of Minors”; “Digitalization”, etc. The “Contacts” division allows sending messages for improving communication with the public. Everyone can inform about the identified violations and submit proposals concerning the Council’s work.

The section “Election Campaign 2014” will inform the consumers of programs about the conception of election campaign coverage by the broadcasters that are within Moldova’s jurisdiction and about how they work and comply with the legislation.

Dinu Ciocan also said that 97 broadcasters expressed readiness to cover the election campaign, while another 15 won’t do it.

During the election campaign, Marek Mracka, program coordinator of the Slovak media monitoring organization “MEMO98”, will provide assistance to the BCC in monitoring the campaign.

The chairman of the BCC said that the main news bulletins of the TV channels “Moldova 1”, “Prime”, “Publika TV”, “Canal 3”, “Canal 2”, “N 4”, “TV 7”, “PRO TV CHISINAU”, “Jurnal TV”, “Accent TV”, “Ren Moldova”, “RTR Moldova”, and “Euro TV” will be monitored between October 20 and November 30. In the same period, the Council will also monitor 25 radio stations to see if they broadcast the required volume of national music and electoral advertisements.

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