“Basarabia Longing for Freedom” concert performed in Bucharest

The organizers of the campaign “Basarabia – a Romanian land” organize a music show called “Basarabia – Longing for Freedom,” on Friday, January 23, in Bucharest, Romanian Global News reports, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The show will take place in the Dalles Hall, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the unification of the Romanian principalities. The play “Great Warmth” by I.L. Caragiale, piano and violin works, jazz from the Romanian and International heritage, as well as a poetry recital, written by Grigore Vieru, will be presented. The artists are aged between 10 and 14 and study at the Music High School “Dinu Lipatti” and at the German College Goethe. The campaign “Basarabia – a Romanian land” is promoted by the action Group Noi Golanii, supported by Association 21 December 1989, the Association of Former Political Detainees from Romania and the Fratii Golescu Institute for the relation with the Romanians abroad.

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