Banning of websites on Moldova’s territory will lead to migration

The banning and blocking of websites on Moldova’s territory, as suggested by the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), will lead to their migration abroad and Moldova will indirectly sustain losses. The value added will not remain in the country, but will go abroad, said managing director of Interakt Media Tudor Darie, quoted by IPN.

Tudor Darie told a news conference that the plan of action for preventing and combating cyber offenses, submitted by the PGO, must be regarded as a whole. It has two directions for regulating useful and necessary aspects as regards the harsher punishment of the consumers of child pornography and the terrorism offenses.

Another aspect concerns the regulation of the use of the Internet and the blocking of certain websites for different reasons. “The mechanism for blocking these websites proposed by the PGO is not correct. We explained that the blocking of websites based on a list compiled by the Ministry of the Interior is not appropriate. The legislation does not even contain the notion of illegal website or site with illegal activities. This enables the authorities to commit abuses,” said Tudor Darie.

He also said that there should be clearly delimited the actions of persons who violate certain rights or who commit an offense, either related to child pornography or copyright. When a person violates the law, he/she is identified and held accountable. But it’s not normal when they want to block a website used by hundreds of thousands of users for the actions of one user.

“The banned websites may emigrate abroad so that they cannot be controlled by the authorities. Indirectly, this means losses for Moldova. A part of these sites already left because the authorities try to control them,” said Tudor Darie.

The PGO put forward a bill concerning the punishment of the consumers of child pornography services and the measures to restrict and conserve data. It is proposed joining the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and setting up a National Council for Responding to Cyber Security Incidents under the prosecutor general.

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