Baggage to be checked by vets at Rădăuți Prut and Stânca frontier posts

The baggage of all the persons who will cross the checkpoints in Rădăuți Prut and Stânca, at the border with Moldova, will be subject to a sanitary-veterinary check. On its website, Agerpres wrote the measure was included in the plan for controlling, combating and eradicating African swine fever following the appearance of a hotbed in Alba village of Hudești commune of Botoșani County, IPN reports.

According to the updated plan, assigned veterinarians at the Rădăuți Prut and Stânca frontier posts will permanently ensure sanitary-veterinary control of the baggage of travelers and will post notices warning that it is not allowed taking meat, mat products, milk products and fodder from Moldova or Ukraine into Romania.

The disinfection of the units of transport at the two checkpoints will be ensured by the sanitary-veterinary and food safety divisions through own personnel. Carpets with disinfectant will be placed at each checkpoint by ensuring the contact period of 30 minutes.

According to the National Food Safety Agency of Moldova, the restrictions at the last three hotbeds of African swine fever in Paicu and Zârnești villages of Cahul district and in the municipality of Cahul were lifted at the start of last December. A number of 37 hotbeds were recorded in Moldova in the course of 2018 and 27 of these involved domestic pigs. About 600 animals were killed.

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