Bachelor’s theses at “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University defended online

The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” of Moldova informs that the graduates of the 2021 class defend their Bachelor’s theses online. Each day starting at 3pm, the commissions are examining by five theses according to the agreed timetable, IPN reports.

In a press release, the institution notes that eight commissions were set up based on the rector’s order. The public defending of Bachelor’s theses started on May 17 and will end on May 28.

Graduation exams can be sat by the students who completely fulfilled the education plan and accumulated the necessary number of credits and who were admitted to the exams after preliminarily defending the Bachelor’s theses at the department whether the research was conducted.

This year the graduation exam will be held in two stages – online defending of the Bachelor’s theses and a computer-assisted test in the University Management Information System that consists of 100 items. The grade obtained at this assessment stage is irrevocable and cannot be challenged.

The graduation exam is held in accordance with the regulations concerning the writing and defending of Bachelor’s theses at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” and the methodology for organizing and holding the graduation exam (bachelor’s degree) for the 2020-2021 academic year that were approved by the University’s Senate.

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