The Baccalaureate exam pass rate among high-school students this year is of 83%, up 2% on last year. Of all the candidates who sat Baccalaureate exams, 62% passed them. This is by almost 4% more than in 2017, IPN reports.
According to the preliminary results published by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research on June 27, 1,843 students got an average grade of 8 and up, as opposed to 1,467 in 2017. As many as 359 students obtained an average of 9 and up, in contrast to 264 in 2017.
Only one candidate was sent off from the examination hall, as against eight candidates last year.
During June 27-28, the candidates who do not agree with their grades can file challenges to Baccalaureate Centers between 9am and 6pm. The final results of the basic Baccalaureate session will be made public on July 6, after the challenges are examined.
The additional Baccalaureate session will be held during July 16-23. To take part in this, the candidates should submit a written application to the Baccalaureate Center where they took the basic session during July 6-7.