Awards of up to 3m lei for athletes who will achieve results at Olympics

The Moldovan athletes who will have good performances at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games will receive prizes from the state for the first eight places. According to a draft decision, the value of prizes is of up to 3 million lei, IPN reports.

Six athletes of the Republic of Moldova have qualified for the current edition of the Olympic Games and 14 more athletes are expected to qualify.

It is proposed that the professional athletes who will rank first-eighth shall be given:

for a gold medal – 3,000,000 lei,
for a silver medal – 2,600,000 lei,
for a bronze medal – 2,000,000 lei,

for the fourth place – 600,000 lei,
for the fifth place – 600,000 lei,
for the sixth place – 400,000 lei,
for the seventh place – 300,000 lei,
for the eighth place – 200,000 lei.

Under the initiative, prizes will also be given to coaches who trained award-winning athletes during four years and to the assistant staff who offered them medical and kinesiotherapy assistance during four years (Olympic cycle), until the Olympic/Paralympic Games.

The 33rd edition of the Summer Olympic Games and the 17th edition of the Paralympic Games of 2024 will be held from July 26 to August 11 in Paris, France.

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