“Avia Invest” asked to present cost basis for airport charges

The Civil Aeronautic Authority requested concessionaire “Avia Invest” SRL to present the cost basis for the charges of airport services for 2020. According to the Authority, the request was made as a result of the elimination of inconsistencies from the regulatory framework in 2019 and the recommendations formulated by the Court of Auditors in an audit concerning compliance of the signing and execution of provisions of the public-private partnership contract, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Authority said the implementation of the given methodology will ensure transparency when calculating the airport charges levied at the Chisinau International Airport. This will also ensure the protection of the interests of users of airport services and passengers and will contribute to increasing the accessibility of air transport services.

The exercise is designed to minimize the risk of implementation of non-competition practices or eventual abuses of a dominant position on the part of the airport managing entity.


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