Prime Minister Pavel Filip requested the Border Police and the Customs Service to ease traffic and to reduce waiting time in n customs posts during the Easter holidays, when many Moldovans return home. He also asked to supplement the personnel and, if need be, to eliminate particular customs procedures so as to optimize work at border crossing points, IPN reports.
Pavel Filip reminded that checks at the Romanian border will be reinforced as of April 7, following the coming into force of the regulation to amend the Schengen Borders Code. “The implementation of the new regulation will lead to longer checks in customs posts and measures should be thus taken for the people not to experience discomfort,” added the Premier.
For their part, the representatives of the Border Police and Customs Service said they will work at full capacity to ensure efficient and swift checks so as to avoid crowdedness following a significant increase in the number of crossings. The number of customs officers on duty will be increased and cooperation will be ensured with the competent authorities of the neighboring states.