Authorities encourage orphan graduates to continue studies at university

The orphan students who will take the Baccalaureate exams this year were assured that they will be provided with budget-funded places at universities and free places in dorms, IPN reports.

Representatives of the authorities and university lecturers had a meeting with orphan twelfth graders from Chisinau municipality at the City Hall and discussed the future opportunities with them.

Svetlana Chifa, head of the Municipal Child Rights Protection Division, said the number of orphan graduates is lower than last year. “I think all the students who graduate this year will continue their studies at universities. At the end of August, we will examine the results of the admission to universities. The young people who will not be admitted can enroll at vocational schools and polyvalent institutions,” she stated.

The young people who took part in the meeting said the assistance offered by the state is important. “I thank all those who contributed with study offers, the teachers, the officials of the Division and my grandmother. This support is important for us,” said a student.

Similar meetings will be staged in all the district head’s offices of Chisinau. Sixteen orphan twelfth graders received by 4,000 lei from the municipal population support fund, while 87 ninth graders – by 3,000 lei.

The local tutelage authorities of Chisinau municipality take care of 1,545 children who remained without parental care.

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