Austria donates protective equipment to Ministry of Home Affairs

A batch of protective equipment, such as gloves, disinfectant and blankets, for fighting COVID-19 was donated by Austria to the Ministry of Home Affairs of Moldova. According to the donors, the value of the equipment is over €16,000, IPN reports.

Secretary of state at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Tatiana Molchan said this consignment is the first one provided through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism for combating COVID-19. For Moldova, this support shows the EU’s solidarity and the close partnership with Austria.

Mihail Harabagiu, chief of the General Inspectorate for Emergencies, thanked Austria for responding to the Inspectorate’s call to offer assistance to Moldova. Since the very first days, the Inspectorate’s employees have become actively involved in the fight against the pandemic. They were on duty in each locality that was placed in quarantine.

According to Austria’s Ambassador to Moldova Christine Freilinger, the donation was possible thanks to the Ministry of the Interior of Austria. She expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the people in unfirms who fight COVID-19 and wished them to come out of the pandemic crisis healthy.

EU Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko noted that this assistance is an example of team work of the European family, which helps the people in the Republic of Moldova and will continue to support the country and its citizens.

The donation was made through the agency of the Disaster Management Department of the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria. Austria also supported Moldova during the floods of 2008 and 2010, being among the first states that donated equipment needed to alleviate the consequences of inundations.

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