Members of the public association “For Family” said the activities staged by the Center “Genderdoc-M” within the festival “Rainbow over the Nistru” represent a public violation of the moral principles. According to them, to have happy families the young generations must not be witness to such demonstrations where the immorality and debauchery are presented as the norm.
In a news conference at IPN on May 13, the association’s deputy head Vitalie Marian said the families face such serious problems as divorce, migration and poverty. Moreover, the people witness a series of events initiated by a group of people who try to redefine the family. “Genderdoc-M”, which represents the homosexuals in Moldova, organizes a series of events with the aim of achieving namely this goal – to redefine the family,” he stated.
Another member of the association “For Family” Irina Batin said such parades run counter to the moral principles. Homosexuality is incompatible with the life of Christian, but any homosexual who comes to Jesus Christ to repent is forgiven.
On May 17, when the LGBT community will mount the Equality March, members of the association “For Family” intend to come to the center of Chisinau to pray together with other Christians and with church officials. “We will pray for the persons blinded by this passion so that they repent and pray to God for forgiveness and liberation from this slavery. We will pray for the young generation to have correct mentality,” said Irina Batin.
The people will pray in the square before the Monument to Ruler Stephan the Great starting at 12 noon.