The public association “Altruism” invites to a charity party called “Party4life”. The event forms part of the campaign for life “You are not alone!” that aims to prevent suicide. The money donated at the party will be used to organize the winter edition of the campaign for 200 teens from six Moldovan settlements, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The association’s head Liuba Ceban told a news conference that the party will be an unforgettable evening with many contests, with salsa and tango. The proceeds will go to organize different psycho-social and recreational activities for the beneficiaries of the campaign. The young people will also receive presents on the occasion of the winter holidays and will have a photo session.
The “Party4life” will be given on December 20, before the day of December 21 that was projected to be the Apocalypse. Psychologist Daniela Terzi-Barbarosie said that this day can have a negative influence on children who are in despair. The campaign is designed to contribute to the diminution of the stress caused by messages about the end of the world and the pressure, depression and increasing number of suicide cases during the holidays, especially among teens. “The subject of mental health is ignored in Moldova. It is avoided because it is an unpleasant matter. But it mustn’t be ignored as mental health means the psychological comfort of all the people,” she stated.
Adolescent Eugen Lachi said that life must be given priority and everybody should find their place in society so as to be able to cope with sorrows and stress. Eugen is a photographer and said that this hobby makes him feel well as the pictures bring laughs on the people’s faces.
The association will also launch a website for teens that will include a free online psychological counseling service that will be available round the clock.
The tickets to the “Party4life” will be available for 50 to 1,000 lei from the entrance to the restaurant Bier Platz, where the party will be given.
According to official data, the number of suicide cases among adolescents has increased in Moldova this year. The Ministry of the Interior said that almost the same number of young people as in 2011 killed themselves over January-June 2012.