A group of artists at the National Opera and Ballet Theater are demanding the resignation of Valeria Seican, the Theater's general director, complaining of her incompetence, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“There are strange things going on at the National Opera. We want to make things better at the Theater, but miss director won't even listen to us”, tenor Mihai Munteanu told a news conference today.
The artists say many of their talented colleagues were ousted, and the cafeteria where they used to have a fairly-priced lunch was closed.
“At first we welcomed her becoming the Theater's director; she is a doctor of arts after all. But she started with the reconstruction with the building, whereas there are much greater problems that should be solved first”, said Mihai Muntean.
“This girl, says baritone Petru Racovita referring to Seican's relatively young age, is unable to work with people. Her position is merely administrative and she has nothing to do with arts. The people sitting here at the (news conference) table are well-known in all the countries in Europe, but miss Seican thinks she can teach us what theater is. She may be a PhD, but to work with people one must learn to hear them as well”, said Petru Racovita.
People's artist Vladimir Dragos said Valeria Seican became director of the National Opera by accident. “Business is what matters to her most, we should call things by their names. When she was deputy minister of culture, she almost sold the Organ Hall. I'm afraid we will face the fate of the Circus (which was closed down – IPN)”, said Vladimir Dragos, claiming that Culture Minister Boris Focsa and Democrat leader Marian Lupu are behind Valeria Seican and her policies.
Ballet teacher Elena Tsarikova said the troupe is angered by the fact that Valeria Seican started implementing reforms without discussing them with the team. “Our Theater has conquered Europe's hearts with its European repertoire (...). But madame Seican is using the principle divide and rule to oust the best artist and replace them with people who are far from being professionals”.
Valeria Seican was appointed to the post at the end of last year.